
Breastfeeding, Cloth Diapering, Babywearing, Attachment Parenting, Natural Family Living and beyond in the Starkville, MS area

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Calendar of Events

Starkville Natural Parents meetings are scheduled for the 4th Thursday of each month unless noted. For now, we will meet at McKee Park in Starkville at 9:30am.  Each meeting's theme will be a springboard for discussions as we strive to learn from the collective wisdom of our group members.

August 25 -- Babywearing -->Please bring any baby carriers you have!
September 22 -- Natural Personal Care and Health 
October 27 -- Cloth Diapers
November 17* -- Natural Nutrition and Gardening
December 15* -- Attachment Parenting 101
January 26 -- Green Living

*November and December meeting dates are scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of the month due to conflicts with holidays.

We are also interested in planning a weekend family event and possibly an evening meeting, sans kiddos.  

Please feel free to share this information with interested mamas and daddies!  All parents are welcome with their children in tow.  We would love to create a true community of natural parents in the Golden Triangle!